By Dr. Jennifer Wilson
Today was one of those days that is hard to put into words so I will let the pictures tell the story of the health care that was delivered on the NEA compound. The only station I “forgot” to visit was the eye clinic and that might have something to do with the fact that temperatures rose to 45 degrees in there today.
I’m told that the little girl we prayed for with cerebral malaria last week was seen running around the grounds today. As she played, two other kids were on their way to the hospital as their care exceeded what we could provide. One had complications from a snake bite and the other was in a sickle cell crisis. Our colleagues at that hospital were alerted and prepared for their arrival.
Despite a record number of cases that included 11 children and an add-on emergency, the surgical and anaesthetic team beat the medical team to dinner for the first time in history. They are amazing!
It was a very long and challenging day for every single team member, but together we accomplished our objectives and are in great spirits. There was much joy and much laughter when we finally gathered for dinner well after 7:00 pm.
We can hardly believe that tomorrow is our last clinic day and look forward to doing everything we can to ensure that together, we finish strong, finish well, and give our best the to people of Ghana.
Carpenter Crowd
Triage under the kapok tree.
Nursing station under the gazebo.
Weights and temperature station.
Dentistry under a mango tree.
Pharmacy counselling.
Physicians set up in NEA conference room.
Recovery Room
Happy post operative patients!
Paw Patrol stickers make everything okay. (Thanks Jill B.)
Super Doctors!