Living Life as a Christian
At the heart of the Christian faith is the person of Jesus Christ. To be a Christian is to follow an ancient pattern of living, based on morals and values found in the Bible, and modelled on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians accept Jesus as the way, the Truth, and the Life
“I am the bread of life.”
John 6:35
There are certain things that we all long for in life: meaning, happiness, love, truth, goodness, beauty, and healing. Christians have discovered that a meaningful and happy life is assured through living ones life as a disciple of Jesus as a member of the community he founded.
Christ has revealed that the movement toward him finds its proper path though the Church – the inspired, finite reality that beckons and leads the soul to share communion with the Lord, who is the Truth Itself.
Living as a Christian is not to deprive oneself of a full and happy life, but rather to bring oneself in line with God's purpose, to become a better person by following Jesus example, and to have a richer, more meaningful life.
In Jesus Christ we find a genuine person whose life, both in what he did and what he said, showed us that the greatest thing we can do is to actively show love for one another. The love that Jesus showed each of us, by making the ultimate sacrifce, has inspired his followers for the last two millenium to emulate his example, to seek out a life based on love, and to try and apply Christian values to everything we do.
A New Beginning
We all suffer in some way or another. The Christian life offers us genuine freedom from that which holds us back. God genuinely loves you and He came, in the person of His Son, Jesus, to set you free so that you can enjoy life to the full.
We are offered an opportunity for a fresh start at life through our Christian faith and the gift of Jesus’ sacrifice, offered on behalf of all, As Christians we receive this gift of a fresh start through repentance (turning away from sin) and faith (trust) in the assurances of Jesus Christ.
“Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.
The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”
2 Corinthians 5:17
Through a personal relationship with Jesus, we can have true freedom. Regardless of where you've been or what you've done, you have a chance to live the meaningful life which you have been searching for and to be accepted by a God who loves you unconditionally.
God is the answer to that longing for “something more.” Find God, and you’ll find the meaning and purpose in your life which you are searching for.
To Be Christian is to Be Joyful
Everywhere we look in the world we see people asking what the secret is to a happy life. Our heavenly Father wants us and our families to be happy and fulfilled. The Christian life is not an easy life, but it is a life full of joy.
As we align our focus and goals with God's values and morals, as laid out in his word The Bible, we find that the anxieties all too common in the modern world, loose their grip and a more powerful, and joyful, purpose for our life is opened up to us.
“I am filled with comfort. I am exceedingly joyful"
2 Corinthians 7:4
The Christian Faith is a Journey
The teaching of Jesus Christ offers us a way in which we can view the world in a completely different way. God is real, and He desires to fill your heart with lasting peace. Jesus is the lens through which we can see God. He is the way by which we can come into a relationship with God.
“I am the way, the truth and the life.”
John 14:6
To be a Christian is a lifelong journey, the first step of this journey is to become a Christian in a conscious way. Christian life is thereafter a process of advancing from that point forward.
As the journey continues with Christ as our helper and guide, we are constantly led into a deeper understanding of life’s meaning, a calling of worship, service to others, and Christ-like relationships with those around us. As we are drawn to the Father through Jesus Christ, we experience the unconditional and transforming love of God.
To be Christian is to bring our lives in line with God's purpose for us; to be genuine and real; to seek justice based on higher values; and most importantly, being Christian is to love one another just as Jesus Christ first loved us.
If you are seeking a more meaningful life and want to explore the Christian journey we invite you and your family to join us this week at Christ Church.