Our Parish Ministries
The many volunteers who give of their time and energy to the various parish ministries serve God and the wider parish community by organizing the many programs which compliment our worship at Christ Church
Some of our key parish ministries are listed below.
Black History Month
This active ministry organizes all the many social and cultural events which occur each February as part of Christ Church's annual celebration of Black History Month.
Chancel Guild
The ministry of the Chancel Guild is responsible to care for and beautify the sanctuary and altar in preparation for worship.
Choir & Music
The Christ Church choir is an essential component of our Sunday morning worship. More about Christ Church's Music and Choir program.
Responsible to ensure that both the parish and wider Stouffville community are aware of everything happening at Christ Church.
Along with providing delicious refreshments and treats following our Sunday services, the Hospitality Ministry coordinates all key social activities for our parish.
Lay Readers
The Lay Readers serve God and the church by assisting our clergy at the altar as they conduct weekly Eucharist services and also provide monthly Eucharistic services at several local seniors' residences in this parish.
Old Testament Readers
The members of the Old Testement Readers Ministry participate in the weekly Sunday worship through the public reading of passges from the Old Testament.
Property Maintenance
The Property Maintenance Ministry manages all aspects of the maintenance and upkeep of the property and buildings which make up Christ Church Stouffville.
Welcome Greeters
The members of the Welcome Ministry provide a big smile and warm welcome on Sunday morning to both first time visitors and all members of the Christ Church parish.
Would you like to become a ministry volunteer?
Please complete our volunteer form or feel free to contact our parish office and they would be happy to get you in touch with one of our various ministries leaders.