A Christian Community in the Heart of Stouffville
Christ Church is a vibrant Anglican parish driven by a love of Jesus Christ and a genuine love of people. We welcome people from all different walks of life and faith traditions, working together to allow the gospel teachings to make a profound difference in our community.
MARCH 30th, 2025
This Tuesday, we invite you to worship with us at our 8:00am (said) & 10:00am (choral) Holy Eucharist service! Everyone is welcome and we’d love to see you!
*Please note that Christ Church live streams the worship services to YouTube which are subsequently posted on our channel for people to view later, and as such you will be in an area where video and audio recording is occurring.
Not able to join us in person? You can still watch our livestream services each Sunday starting at 10:00am on our YouTube channel by clicking the link below.
The Christ Church Summer VBS is back for 2025!
Join us July 7th - 11th for a week of fun, fellowship, and learning
Christ Church Office Hours
The Christ Church Stouffville office is open 9am - 1pm Monday to Friday,
but request you continue to make appointments if you’d like to come in.
We continue to serve the parish’s needs and welcome phone calls and emails.
admin@stouffvilleanglican.ca or lisanewland@stouffvilleanglican.ca
If you’d like to make a donation to support Christ Church please have a look at our giving options.